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Before the advent of apps, every brand curated a database of contacts and customers, sending out timely reminders to buy products or to try the latest product on the shelf. The problem was, some brands sent emails out thick and fast. Customers began to tire of having a full inbox and with apps bursting onto the scene, many of us moved our attention to these. But then these became an issue too or more accurately, the notifications from apps started to clutter the screen.

Email marketing in San Diego and across the US seems to have risen once again from the ashes. Even though there are many other forms of digital marketing for San Diego businesses, it seems that in 2018, email marketing is back, bigger and stronger than before. Why bother with email marketing? No matter how big or small your business or the sector or industry you dominate, email marketing is a great vehicle for reaching out and connecting with customers.

5 reasons your business email marketing

Digital marketing is nothing new. As soon as the web sprung into life, those with a forward-thinking habit realized that the Internet would become a place ripe for reaching and engaging with new and returning customers in San Diego and beyond.

But it is an increasingly busy and crowded place. Trying to make headway into the busy world of the web can seem like throwing your marketing budget into the wind. While email was once considered an old form of marketing, it now seems that it is back in fashion, so we have the top 5 reasons why you should start email marketing (again)!:

#1 Improved return on investment

In marketing, it’s all about ROI. Essentially, for every dollar of the marketing budget you spend, you want a profitable return in the shape of a buying customer. Marketing is an investment and you need it to produce an outcome so that your business remains a thriving success. The less you spend on reaching customers, the better in most cases.

Can you get cheaper than email? We think not. There are no postage fees, no advertising fees, no mobile app charges, no printing costs and providing you stay on the right side of GDPR and the rules relating spam emails, you will find that for very little cost, you get a fabulous return on investment.

Depending on where you find your statistics, for every $1 spent on email marketing, the ROI is around $32.28. Now, who could afford to turn that down?

HINT: The email copy needs to be well written and fitting with your brand. It needs to also be written in such a way as to stand out in a crowded inbox.

#2 Emails are easily sharable

Many of us have discovered, much to our embarrassment, just how easy emails can be to share, albeit with the wrong group of people on occasion. But sticking with this shareability for a minute, the reason why email marketing is enjoying a resurgence is because it is a medium that is easily sharable without too much fuss.

When your email message and content resonate with the recipient, they are more likely to share it. There are an estimated 124 billion business emails sent every day, with personal emails only figuring slightly less at 111 billion a day. This vibrant display of sharing could be something your email marketing benefits from.

#3 Easy to create

Dependent on your skills and abilities, the most successful of marketing emails, (those that are opened, read and acted on) are;

  • Well-written: excellent email copy is one that resonates with the subscriber, tells them everything they need to know in the right tone of voice.
  • Call to action: an email that is successful will not only have strong content but a strong call to action.
  • Visually appealing: a lot of information can be included in an email which is why sometimes they can look crowded and fussy. Images are perfect for use in email marketing providing they support the message being sent.
  • Driven by strategy: throwing out an email or two every now and then and hoping for an increase in customers will work only with chance and luck on its side. To create your own criteria for a successful email campaign, it needs to be driven by a clearly defined strategy.

#4 Measurable

Using an email marketing tool as a San Diego business allows you to access a set of metrics from people opening the email you’ve sent. Metrics include clicking on links, subscribers to unsubscribes, the number of emails that bounced and so on.

This analysis is essential and not something that is available with other forms of marketing. How many direct mail campaigns, for example, end up in the recycling, unread and unopened?

An understanding of these deeper metrics will allow you to produce a more balanced, strategized approach to future email marketing campaigns. In other words, you have the date on which you can make better decisions so results are maximized and objectives achieved.

#5 Personalized marketing

At one time, emails would be sent to everyone and everybody. But there was a problem with this anonymous, impersonalized approach alienated many people. Inboxes became cluttered and some emails became a nuisance. Personalization doesn’t just mean putting someone’s name at the top of the message. It means you have the ability to send certain emails with offers and discounts on products that you know they like to a group of customers and a different, tailored email to another group.

Are You Ready to Start Email Marketing?

Email marketing has made a strong comeback, but you need to be entirely confident in how it can and should work to get the results that you need. You can craft an email that is useful and personal, you can measure its impact, it can be shared quickly and easily, and get the content right, and the success of an email marketing campaign can fly. If you are looking for a digital marketing agency in San Diego to help you increase your online presence, the team at Above The Fold Agency is here to help. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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